Ultra Low Cost IMS: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001


ULTRA LOW-COST ISO14001 - the Environmental Management Standard.
  • We are immensely pleased to release our brand new "Online ISO" system.
  • You can have your own, made-for-you ISO14001 system within minutes. 
  • Purchase this product for just £350. Note: £350 (SGD687, RM1,700)

Learn more...
For many years we have sold a "Create your own ISO System" CD. This contained lots and lots of examples, guidance and hints 'n' tips for becoming ISO14001 certified. We sold many thousands of these and received lots of highly complimentary feedback. Times move on and technology improves. So we decided to bring out a new system that speeds the process up, greatly. Instead of writing the system yourself, just answer a few questions and let our computers do the hard work for you.

Just simply answer a number of questions and press a few buttons. Our expert knowledge-base system will them create your ISO14001 system in web-page format for you in a matter of a few minutes. It will then send you the login details and you can adjust it to suit your own circumstances.

The ISO14001 system will provide you with essential forms and official guidance documents, such as:

  1. AL7 (Noise at Work) guidance
  2. Audit report form
  3. Complaints and problems form
  4. Calibration record form
  5. Environmental Regulations Lists - separate lists for Malaysia or Singapore
  6. Environmental risk register (template)
  7. Explanation of environmental regulations 2011 - separate lists for Malaysia or Singapore
  8. Explanation of WEEE Directive
  9. Management review agenda
  10. Training record spreadsheet
  11. WEEE Directive guidance

It will automatically create procedures/policies for
  1. Aims, targets, objectives & plans
  2. Auditing
  3. Competence, training & awareness
  4. Control of documents
  5. Communication
  6. Control of records
  7. Controlled wastes
  8. Emergency preparedness
  9. Environmental aspects
  10. Environmental policy
  11. Legal compliance
  12. Management reviews
  13. Measuring devices
  14. Monitoring of compliance
  15. Monitoring & measurement processes
  16. Nonconformity, corrective actions & preventive actions
  17. Roles & responsibilities
and will also provide you with the facility to create more if you wish. Each procedure comes with detailed guidance, examples and supporting forms where necessary.
  • The system can be created in minutes. You can finish it within a few hours and start to implement it immediately.
  • This will revolutionise the process of making ISO14001 systems!
  • The system comes with expert guidance linked to each of the procedures, policies and sets of objectives at no extra cost.


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